Art dump #1

Hey! I haven't been super active with my site recently, things got a bit crazy on the personal side of existence. Regardless, I HAVE been drawing turtles through it all, comic and otherwise. Figure I might as well begin posting some of my favorite turtle art here so that it's not all confined to my instagram account. Honestly I'm not ure how sustainable that place is for an artist anyway, what with all the AI nonsense.

Anyway, I also just like having this alternative option for anyone who wants to read my comic without getting instagram (good choice btw), and I see no reason why they shouldn't also get my finished pieces that weren't made with my "make it as easy as possible" model. Besides, I've been working on some fun concepts that we won't see in the comic for awhile yet! let's just get into it!

Age charts!

This first set is three drawings I made to show how the boys appearance change as they get older. The first drawing is funky cause I didn't label it and the colors are off on their outfits but still mostly accurate. For that one the ages are: Raph - 10 Leo and Mikey - 9 and Donnie - 8. The other two drawings are all correct tho.

(I would fix it but I'm sleep deprived and cannot be bothered, sorry)

Precarious situation!

This next one was just for fun! I was on a 3 day car trip coming home from Ohio and was trying to sketch in the car. I came up with this and liked it so much I decided to finish it up when we got to our hotel! Probably a case of the boys not being careful enough while roof jumpin. I'm proud of the style. I hope I can do it again.

Character designs!

I've been working on the storyline and future events planned. And, of course, that means I've been thinking about some characters we'll be seeing! These two in particular were a pain and I did a lot of sketching and pinterest scrolling before I finally landed on these designs! Casey jones especially I'm so happy with! Casey is definitely my favorite non-turtle character in the franchise, but I like him best in all his reckless brooklyn vigilante glory! He's gotta be a badass moron!

As for shredder, I wanted something that was human, but fully concealed I think Shredder loses a lot of his intimidation factor when you're forced to remember he's just some guy (2012 and 87 shredders are just so goofy tbh) So I wanted to keep his face shadowy. He also had to be tall (or maybe the foot ninja is just a shorty)

DAY 1!

I don't want to say too much about this one because it has some plot stuff goin on, but basically this was intended to be Splinter taking the turtles to the sewers for the first time. In hindsight though, I think I made the turtles too old, so take that with a grain of salt.

That'll do it for now. Over and out! -Rusty